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Its 2019 Japan is Faking Fukushima Reactor 3 MOX Fuel Pool

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Добавлено by В НОВОСТИ МИРА
17 Просмотры


Japan unchallenged while faking reactor 3 should terrify you !
As Nuclear University's Plots Humanity's Destruction
I also cover workers hideous condition at the Fukushima melted nuclear power plant that is unbelievable . Silence is not a way forward for melted nuclear reactors ,its criminal for university's and media to remain silent or lie , its a unforgivable betrayal .

TEPCO training workers to shift spent nuclear fuel from March By CHIKAKO KAWAHARA
Same writer in 2017 http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/AJ201712040041.html

Inside the Wrecked Fukushima Nuclear Reactor Facility 5 Years After Disaster
By ABC News nuclear idiot making machine ANTHONY TROTTER aka Monster https://abcnews.go.com/International/inside-wrecked-fukushima-nuclear-reactor-facility-years-disaster/story?id=37551399

Want to help me just send my website email and info to Radio Shows Nd Blogs across your country to start . Not enought still want to do more then send my Website my email my videos to Music stars Movie Stars Activist Groups to Yatch Clubs to Unions and Major institutions world wide and tell them to fight with me for a future for all 8 million species not just the Nuke Puke Retart Industry .

Dana Durnford on twitter

Your donation will help us sustain this most resource-intensive form of journalism, ensuring that the most complex and important stories still get told.
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My new movie will be coming out soon - Throw Nuclear Scientist From A High Speed Bullet Train

See study's on marine life on Canada pre fukushima -
B.C. CANADA Marine and Animal Studies http://ibis.geog.ubc.ca/biodiversity/efauna/SpeciesChecklists.html
Toxicity of inhaled plutonium dioxide in beagle dogs

We are looking for enthusiastic translation ambassadors for our YouTube translation project. To get started,just type along with the video in your language and save when done super impose over the original video to cultivate a general public that's informed and awed by nuclear fake science. Thanks to your contributions, we can continue to share the wonder of scientific fraud with the world .

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Яндекс.Метрика Рейтинг@Mail.ru